Feeding cost per day

Feeding cost per day

What is the feeding cost of HF/Jersey cow of 20lts yield per day including Green, dry fodder and concentrates?

How much did a single cow eat per day? What are the items (Food items) did I need to provide to it from morning to evening.

Someone please list down the items.

Thanks & Regards

Vishal Goel

Answer to Q 1 – A 500 kg HF cow yielding 20 litres per day will require around 20 kg of green fodder (may be maize fodder), 2 kg of dry fodder, 9 kg of cattle feed (BIS type I) and 150 gm. of mineral mixture.

Cost of individual feed items may vary from region to region, however, for your understanding we have assumed these cost as follows:

  1. Cost of green fodder (20kg *Rs 1.5) = Rs 30
  2. Cost of dry fodder (2kg * Rs 5) = Rs 10
  3. Cost of cattle feed/ concentrate (9 kg * Rs 20) = Rs 180
  4. Cost of mineral mixture (150 gm @ Rs 60 /kg) = Rs 9
  5. Total daily feeding cost = (30 + 10 + 180 + 9) = Rs  229/ day


 Answer to Q 2: A cow would generally consume dry matter @ 3-4 percent of its body weight. A 400 kg cow will require 12 to 16 kg of dry matter in a day.

Various feed items offered to dairy animals are green fodder, grasses, straws, brans, chunnis, oil cakes, grains, hay, silage, leaves, etc.

Feed items need to be provided morning and evening, preferably thrice a day. Fresh drinking water ad lib is equally important.

What will be the feeding cost of murrah buffalo?

To calculate feeding cost of Murrah buffalo following assumptions are used.

Body weight: 550 kg, Milk yield: 8 litre/day, Milk fat: 7.0%, Dry Matter intake: 2.5-3.5% of body weight.

To fulfil nutrient requirement of Murrah buffalo (considering above assumptions) about 6.2 kg cattle feed (BIS-I), 20.5 kg maize fodder, 4.5 kg wheat straw and 120 gm mineral mixture will be sufficient. This ration will provide about 13.8 kg of dry matter.

Cost breakup of ration is mentioned below.

1. Cost of cattle feed (BIS-I)/ concentrate mixture (6.2 kg x Rs 20/kg) = Rs 124

2. Cost of green fodder e.g. maize fodder (20.5 kg x Rs 1.5/kg) = Rs 30.75

3. Cost of dry fodder e.g. wheat straw (4.5 kg x Rs 5/kg) = Rs 22.5

4. Cost of mineral mixture (120 gm x Rs 60/kg) = Rs 7.2

Therefore total feeding cost will be Rs 184 per day.

Please note that cost of feeds and fodders will vary depending on season and region.

  1. Sir, can u please tell me from where I can get mineral mixture at cost ofRs 60 /kg.

cal me or msg me i will give u minral mixture at best rate and best quality also 8722722779

Glenn Wild

Glenn Wild's picture


What is the feed value of the ration you list?  Energy / Protein / NDF and dry matter?

Please clarify its cost in Rs per kilo wet or kilo of dry matter.    Thank you


sir what would be the diet plan for HF cow of 20+ milk yield if we add 10 kg of hydroponic fodder

As you mention in previous reply that a cow would generally consume dry matter @ 3-4 percent of its body weight. A 400 kg cow will require 12 to 16 kg of dry matter in a day.

kindly tell me how much dry matter involve in the below food items

  1. Cost of green fodder (20kg *Rs 1.5) = Rs 30
  2. Cost of dry fodder (2kg * Rs 5) = Rs 10
  3. Cost of cattle feed/ concentrate (9 kg * Rs 20) = Rs 180
  4. Cost of mineral mixture (150 gm @ Rs 60 /kg) = Rs 9
  5. Total daily feeding cost = (30 + 10 + 180 + 9) = Rs  229/ day


In above example total dry matter is 14.5 kg


Some one suggest me that silage is good food for dairy cow.

Kindly share your knowledge regarding silage


Hello Sir,

Tell me something about azolla

Is it good alternative for cattle feed?


Hello....  Thank for your reply

Concentrate feed cost is very high.....can we reduced it ?

Can I make concentrate feed at our farm ? If yes, What are the food items used for making concentrate feed? & in Which quantity we use it?



Below food items are suggest by you....

  1. Cost of green fodder (20kg *Rs 1.5) = Rs 30
  2. Cost of dry fodder (2kg * Rs 5) = Rs 10
  3. Cost of cattle feed/ concentrate (9 kg * Rs 20) = Rs 180
  4. Cost of mineral mixture (150 gm @ Rs 60 /kg) = Rs 9
  5. Total daily feeding cost = (30 + 10 + 180 + 9) = Rs  229/ day

By giving Azolla which item is reduce (either green fodder or Concentrate feed) & In which quantity ?



kk320i's picture

i just want to know that how much economic loss will occur if one heat or one estrus cycle missed in buffalo dairy farm?

1. Each missed heat is a loss of at least 21 days of milk and cost of maintenance of animal for 21 days.

2. Total loss will be equivalent to cost of 21 days of feeding plus cost of lost milk.

what is the TMR ?

how made TMR ?

sir please give me idea how make on my farm TMR ?

Total mixed ration (TMR) is a way of feeding dairy animals to provide proper and balanced nutrients as per their requirement.

Normally dairy animals are offered dry roughages, green roughages, cattle feed, grains, cakes, brans, etc. and they are offered separately or only one or two items are mixed together.

When all feed items offered to animals are mixed together and offered to animal it is called "Total Mixed Ration". In this dry and green roughages needs to be chopped first and then mixed with concentrate(s) to make TMR.

TMR is wholesome and complete feed for the dairy animals. TMR should be given three to four times a day.

What is the process of oil cack bypass protin plase tell me we have some mterial but i don't understand this formula please how home made oil cack by pass protin So if I understand the venture to communicate in Hindi is Possible ?

Rape seed oil cake procured from a local market was ground to pass 1.0 mm sieve size and subjected to crude protein (CP) estimation by Kjeldahl's technique. Formaldehyde treatment of rape seed oil cake was conducted by spraying 1.2 g of formaldehyde per 100 g crude protein or 11 ml of 40% formaldehyde solution per 100 g cake. The treatment was commenced in the feed mill and the formalin was poured over the crushed cake from the molasses tank. The treated cake samples were mixed thoroughly and stored in tightly sealed plastic bags for 7 days at room temperature (25°C) to form protected protein. The protein was then tested for degree of protection and effective protein degradability using nylon bag technique

1 Step. ?

2 Step. ? ............ please tell me

Manufacturing of bypass protein meal/ cake involves usages of chemical(s) and it has to be done in commercial setup by using specific machinery designed for the same. Hence, it is not recommended to use this at home.


sanskar's picture

feed chart for 7 milking, 3 haifers, 2 pregnant and 1 dry cattle livestock HF

Please provide more details like milk yield, fat percent, age of heifers and pregnancy months……

Hello Sir,

Kindly provide the feed chart for HF of 20L & 20L Jersey Cow, No green fodder is Available. Only Dry fodder & concentrate feed is available. Kindly make the chart by only adding Dry fodder(CFB) & Concentrate Feed.

Thank You.

A 500 kg cow yielding 20 litres per day will require around 4 kg of dry fodder (wheat straw), 10 kg of cattle feed (BIS type - I), 150 gm of bypass fat and 150 gm of mineral mixture per day.

Please also use buffer @ 50 gm per day.

or follow


You may wish to use silage, UMMB.

ok sir,

What is Bypass Fat? and what is the supplement for it?

and sir what about calcium?


SHUBHAM SHAW's picture

Please help me sir design about gosala?

Hello Shubham,

There are two types of Shed which are in fashion now a days, one is Tail-to-Tail and Another one is Head-to-Head. Most Commonly and recommended design is Head-to-Head Arrangement for better sanitation.

following are the specifications for Head-to-Head Arrangement.

Closed Area= 8ft x 4ft per cattle

Manger(Feeding Area)= 4ft x 2ft per cattle.

Cow Shed Interior


Can someone please suggest me what is the fodder cost for a Sahiwal cow having weigh of aprox 350kgs and  6-8 Litres  milk yield? What all should be included in the fodder?

If a fodder like hydroponic is included, in that case how much hydroponic should be included?

Thank you!


For Sahiwal cow weighing 350 kg and having 8 ltr of Milk and 4 per cent fat following ration can be offered:

1.       Wheat Straw – 4 kg

2.       Maize fodder – 20 kg

3.        Compound cattle feed (type II) – 4 kg

4.       Mineral mixture – 80 to 100 gm per day

I visited the IAH Bangalore dairy farm today & am given to understand the following:

1. Composite cattle feed - 300 gms/ ltr of milk - if there is sufficient green fodder @ 20KG/ day

2. Composite cattle feed - 500 gms/ ltr of milk - if there is sufficient green fodder @ 10KG/ day

Cattle feed distribution:

1, Mineral - 2%

2. Salt - 1%

3. Maize flakes - 60%

4. Groundnut cake - 5%

5. Hindi (do not know the english name) - 2%

6. Rave busa (do not know the english name) - 25%

7. Kaddi busa (do not know the english name) - 5%

Let me know your views please.

Dear Sir,

Quantity of 300 or 500 g per litre of milk varies from farm to farm and are based on their green fodder, dry fodder and concentrates composition.

If one is having compound cattle feed type II (having 20 % crude protein), giving 400 g cattle feed per litre of milk for cows would be sufficient.

I have 15 cows, the cows who gives 20 ltr/day milk are gives such contity is for 2 months or 3 months only. what shuld I do to maintain production long time. i gives them one time dry fodder about 5 kg, napier grass. ane one time green fodder about 20 kg, yasvant grass or multicrop napier grass. 5 kg/time total of consantration feed and cottn seed cake, maize flour, tuvar chuni, babul chuni, two time. mineral mixture 100 grams/time. water is full.

For maintaining milk yield and to avoid negative energy balance you may consider to give Bypass Fat @ 150 g per day to your lactating cows.

This need to be given during last month of the pregnancy and three months after calving.

Please visit:


Additionally please give Soda bi carb (buffer/ baking soda) @ 50 g per day as you are giving high concentrate (10 kg).

Hello there,

I am currently running a dairy farm which consists of 8 HF cows and 3 Murraha Buffalos. I Bought the HF cows 2nd Lactation of 22 Lits/Day (Verified the milk before buying) but at my dairy farm I am unable to obtain such figures. Currently I am gaining around 12lits/day and below, and none of the cow crossed 17 Lits/day ever and some of them are not even touching 10lits/day. My Production cost is reaching about Rs.260/Animal/Day, leaving very less profit this is not what I was planning. I feed them following diet:

Maze 30%

Soya DOC 20%

Toor Chunni 20%

Wheat Bran (Chokar) 20%

Sunflower Cake

Mineral Mixture 2.5 %

Salt 2 %

 I carry regular vaccination. At my farm location the temperature sometimes reaches 40˚C but I have installed foggers to keep atmosphere under control. I was planning to expand cows up to 40 animals next month but I need to resolve this first. Please help on this issue.

Dear Sir,

You are requested to please provide the prices of feed items and also mention if any additional feed items is available for consideration.

What is the quantity of dry straw, green fodder offered to animals along with prices so that we can formulate a ration based on inputs.

You can also download "Pashu poshan" application from Google play store.

Maize is supposed to be at 60% & the wheat bran at 25%. Maize is the key ingredient for milk production. The experts may comment !!

In a home-made concentrate following could be the ratio:

Maize grain – 35 to 40 per cent

Wheat bran – 30 per cent

& Oil cakes – 30 per cent

Mineral mixture – 1 to 2 per cent

Dear Sir

                   Please let me know Per day for cow how much protein,carbohydrates etc and minerails required i need in percentage for that what kind of tree,grass i need to grow please let me know in details

A dairy cow having 400 kg body weight and yielding 10 kg milk (4 % fat) would require per day approximately:

Dry Matter intake – 12 to 14 kg Dry matter per day @ 3 to 3.5 per cent of body weight

Energy as TDN – 6,500 gm/day

Crude Protein – 1350 gm/ day

Calcium – 45 gm/day

Phosphorus -  30 gm/day

A dairy cow having 400 kg body weight and yielding 10 kg milk (4 % fat) would require per day approximately:

Dry Matter intake – 12 to 14 kg Dry matter per day @ 3 to 3.5 per cent of body weight

Energy as TDN – 6,500 gm/day

Crude Protein – 1350 gm/ day

Calcium – 45 gm/day

Phosphorus -  30 gm/day

Can supply silage through out the year to maintain your milk yield, fat and health of your 4 legged children's. No disappointments, satisfaction guaranteed. Rasamevu

Can supply silage through out the year to maintain your milk yield, fat and health of your 4 legged children's. No disappointments, satisfaction guaranteed. Rasamevu


Let me know the cost per KG  Silage and about transportation.




Dineshmt's picture

After what weight is a Red Sindhi considered overweight? And how much yield is to be expected by a 600 kilo Red Sindhi?


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